It was a real privilege to be asked to speak at the recent Male Victim Event Day organised by the University of Central Lancashire (Preston, UK) and I was thrilled to be included alongside people who are making a real global difference in changing public perception about Domestic Violence.”
The keynote speaker was Dr Denise Hines of Clark University, Massachusetts. Dr Hines is the Principal Investigator on a series of studies investigating the physical and mental health of men who sustain partner violence from their female partners and seek help. The most recent of these studies also investigates the mental and physical health of child witnesses and is being supported by a grant from the National Institute on Child Health and Human Development (USA). About two years ago, I discovered the work of Dr. Hines, emailed her and she kindly put me in touch with some UK academics who were involved with her in an international research project. It was though the follow-up contact with Dr Louise Dixon and Dr. Niki Graham-Kevan that I was invited to speak.
Another speaker was Ian McNicholl whose ex-girlfriend was imprisoned for seven years for grievous bodily harm for the injuries she inflicted on Mr McNicholl. Ian McNicholl was involved in the development of the Coronation Street storyline featuring Tyrone Dobbs and gave the soap a great insight into male victims of domestic violence. Again, the Coronation Street storyline has brought great help to many people and I was honoured to stand alongside both Dr Hines and Ian McNicholl.
Also on the schedule of speakers were: Margaret Gardner (Director of False Allegations Support Organisation), Valerie Wise (Chief Executive Preston Domestic Violence Services) and Nick Smithers ( National Development Officer Abused Men in Scotland)
Attached Photograph. L-R Ian Young, Margaret Gardner (Director of False Allegations Support Organisation), Valerie Wise (Chief Executive Preston Domestic Violence Services), Dr Niki Graham-Kevan ( Reader, University of Central Lancashire), Ian McNicholl (ManKind Initiative Patron), Nick Smithers ( National Development Officer Abused Men in Scotland) and Dr Denise Hines.
This is a transcription of my speech
I’m a survivor of female
perpetrated Domestic Abuse which has severely impacted me and my children. It took place during the course of my
marriage which lasted 17 years. Today
would have been my 21st wedding anniversary. While it was happening, I felt that I had
nowhere to turn nor could I speak to anyone about it. I felt so alone. It affected every area of my well-being. When I finally was able to come out of the
marriage, it was at great personal cost.
As part of my own healing, I began writing and blogging about my
experience and was overwhelmed by others contacting me to say that they were in
similar situations and felt so isolated.
This motivated me to campaign to raise greater awareness about Domestic
Violence and how it affects men in particular.
How the abuse started
1992 was a momentous year for me. I got ordained as a church minister and six
months after ordination, I got married.
Just before our wedding, my ex-wifes mother died, Her
Father had died when she was 7.
She never spoke about her childhood.
There were a few things she told me that were lies, and had I known that
then, it might have changed the course
of our relationship. However, I was in an environment where you believed or
wanted to believe everything was true.
I saw no worrying
behavioural traits when we were courting, but once we married things
changed. The first strange thing I
remember was an over-reaction to me pouring a glass of cola. I hadn’t rinsed the glass properly, and soap
suds were still in the glass causing the cola to fizz up uncontrollable. She started shouting uncontrollably at me,
calling me names and all sorts. I
remember thinking , what’s your problem its only a drink. On its own, that probably sounds silly but
other patterns started to emerge. Prior to going into the ministry, I worked
in the city of London in the banking sector and the one luxury I allowed myself
was having an expensive aftershave collection.
One day, without any provocation,
she poured all my aftershaves down the sink. She also began smashing ornaments of
sentiment value and something that she would repeat for years, she would pour
cups of hot drinks I made over me and would
smash a dinner plate (with the dinner still on it ) over my head.
The excuses I made
My ex-wife wouldn’t seek any sort of help. She wouldn’t even take a headache pill. I’m not sure whether she even recognised she
had a problem. In my mind, I made
excuses for her. I told myself that she
was grieving and this was her way of coping.
I didn’t recognise what was happening to me as Domestic Abuse. I equated it with the ‘worst’ part of the
‘for better for worst, in sickness and in health’ wedding vows I made. And then the children arrived, our first
daughter was born in 1995, our second daughter in 1997 and our son in
1999. Her violent behaviour continued
towards me. As well as making excuses
about the bereavement, I added Post natal depression to my rationale . In 2000, my ex-wife only sister died quite
suddenly and this left her with no immediate family. Around this period of time, I recall
overhearing my bishop ( who was the person I should to with any problems)
joking with a colleague about another couple where the wife was quite a
dominant character and the husband appeared hen-packed. Again, I remember thinking ‘There’s no way I
can come to you and speak about the abuse I was experiencing because you
clearly have no understanding and would treat it as a joke.’ Around this time, was the only time my
ex-wife inflicted me injuries that were
visible. I can’t remember the how, but
I ended up with 2 long scratch marks on my face where the skin had been
broken. People probably knew that that’s
what they were but no-one said anything.
I was asked what had happened, and I told people that I’d walked into a
rose bush. I also learnt that while my
ex-wife was in an aggressive mood, there was nothing I could do that would
placate it. I never once
retaliated. In the early days, I would
try and argue back but this just further ignited her anger. And so, I just absorbed it and waited until
her anger had burnt out. Once it did and
she was calm, I would try and challenge her behaviour saying that it was
completely unreasonable. I always got
one of two responses: either denial to
what had just happen or she’d say, “you’re a man, you can cope with it.” The children witnessed much of this, and
afterwards I would also say to the children, “Your mum’s not well, but she
doesn’t realise how ill she is, we all just have to try harder to help her.”
Why did I stay
So why did I stay?
First of all, I took my marriage vows seriously. I was in a culture where divorce was frowned
upon and it would also become hard for
me to remain a minister as a divorcee. At
that point in time, the church was my life’s vocation. And then the children arrived. The thought of being separated from my
children was my biggest fear . My
ex-wife never showed any physical aggression towards the children, although she
was very verbally aggressive toward our eldest daughter in particular. While I was there, I felt that I was also
protecting the children. I felt I could
leave. No one would help me even if I
said that I was a victim of DV. I was unaware
of any refuges for men – I was even unaware that men could be victims of DV,
how could I explain that to anyone. I
also had nowhere to go nor any means of starting again. My salary as a church minister wasn’t great
and the house I lived in belonged to the church. She also wanted a lifestyle that we couldn’t
really afford. But appeasing her and
trying to avoid anything that might lead to an explosion was all I was bothered about. And so, to that end, I over claimed on my
expenses from the church to pay for the treats she wanted.
The realisation
In 2009, I was reaching breaking point and I started keeping
a journal of the abuse I was experiencing.
As well as the current stuff, I wrote down the abuse that I could
remember. It shocked me as I read it
back as I realised that there was a lot of stuff that had occurred that I’d
forgotten. It also hit me that my
account sounded so horrific it was hard to believe, and yet it was my
reality. I’d run out of making excuses and
was in a poor state, mentally , physically and emotionally. There was also an incident with my son who
was then 9 years old that helped me realise I was kidding myself. There been another violent episode during the week where two dinner plates (containing
fish and chips) had been smashed over my head .
This happened in front of the children.
On the Sunday, after our meal, I was in the Kitchen washing the dishes
and my son brought his plate through and then proceeded to throw his left-overs
at me. While I never reacted to my
ex-wife doing this, I did to my son shouting at him and telling him off. There was a look of total confusion on his
face and it dawned on me that he was copying his mother’s behaviour thinking
that it was acceptable behaviour. Was I
really protecting my children? My
ex-wife started another type of episode around this time. One day , we were sitting watching TV, and
she just announced , I don’t want you here anymore. ‘ She turned violent
towards me and my safest option was to
retreat and sit in my car. She won’t let
me back in the house. So eventually, I
drove to my parents’ house who now only lived 4 miles away. It was the first time I acknowledged that
things were bad although I didn’t tell them everything. They tried to persuade me to stay the night
at theirs. I felt I couldn’t so I went
back home but my ex wouldn’t let me back in the house. I returned to my parents. The next day , I returned home.. “you’re back
then” she said and then behaved as if nothing had happened. Three months later, she acted in a similar
manner, but this time she also threw my clothes and personal belongings out of
the front door. I think she believed
that I would return the following day and we would all pretend that it had
never happened. I didn’t. This time, I knew I just couldn’t go back.
The aftermath
I went to my parents.
This time I showed them my journal.
They were horrified, I ended
up sleeping on their sofa for 6-7
weeks. I tried to stay working as a
minister. Despite being presented with
evidence of DV, they wanted to sweep it all under the carpet. I still have a letter where senior leadership
‘strongly urged me to return to the family home and resolve the difficult
issues in our marriage.’ Eventually, my
own financial malpractice came to light – I held my hands up, resigned as a
minister and paid the church back the money they claimed was missing. They still took legal action and I ended up
receiving a police caution which tends to deter prospective employers from
taking me on. The children’s well-being
was my only concern now. I found a house
to rent nearby their school. My 3
children had had enough to cope with so I didn’t want to put any additional
pressure on them. My two daughters
needed to escape and came and live with me.
My son stayed with his mum. I
think he feels guilty about everyone else leaving . I do worry about the ongoing impact on him,
all I can do is to try and be there.
Being a victim of DV resulted in me losing my life’s
vocation, my home, many of former friends. The one thing I fought not to lose
was my children. They are all I was left
with. Now, my life’s vocation is
speaking out and trying to raise better awareness about DV and the impact it
has on us men and our children.
Ian's DV awareness campaign @SiVictim
The Men's Room - A support group for men affected by DV